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Our Star School for April is…

Chipping Ongar Primary School, Essex!

We spoke to Stacey Saddington and Kate Crook who lead on the Lexia programme at Chipping Ongar Primary School. They shared with us how they have been able to embed Lexia into their school day, personalise learning for their pupils, and use myLexia progress data to track progress and inform interventions. They also discussed the impact on pupil confidence, motivation, and outcomes in SATs—highlighting inspiring success stories and the enthusiasm Lexia Core5 Reading and Lexia PowerUp Literacy has generated across the school.

Watch and read the full interview below.


How did you first come across the Lexia program and what led to the school’s final decision to purchase?

Stacy: We first came across Lexia about four years ago. When researching different programmes, it was a stand-out programme for us. What stood out most was that it provided an independent learning experience for the children while still offering the right level of scaffolding for them.

The support it provides for them is brilliant—all the key areas of support is fantastic. Lexia also came highly recommended and researched, something that we were really impressed with.

Kate: I agree. Like we said, we love that Lexia gives children the independence be responsible and resilience for their own learning. Even if they find something a bit tricky, they will still keep going, and we really love how it encourages that independence.

Stacy: It was also a highly regarded programme, which was really important to us, so we wanted to be part of that. Plus, the training it offers is brilliant—it provides fantastic support for staff, which has really helped us. Having that annual training each year has been fantastic, and we make sure to share it with staff. That ongoing support has been key to our decision.

What do you feel makes Lexia stand apart from other reading skills software products on the market?

Kate: Obviously, a big thing for us was the independence that it gives the children through their learning. But we also really liked the data it offers—not just for us as teachers but also to share with parents. It’s really detailed and accessible across iPads and computers, whether through the app or the website.

And it’s just so much more flexible. We’ve found we can easily manoeuvre it into our day and fit around the children in different classes.

The different formats are really engaging—Core5 works brilliantly, and we use the PowerUp programme with our Year 6 pupils. They absolutely love it with all the hip-hop songs and the variety of content. It just feels so much more mature for them, so they are loving that!

And obviously, the little ones love Core5 too; travelling through different countries, discovering new places, all while developing their reading and writing skills.

Stacy: I think the whole format is just brilliant—the engagement it creates really motivates them in their learning.

The little things they say, like, “I’ve been to Egypt today” or “I’ve visited this country today,” show how much it motivates them. That kind of motivation is key and really sets Lexia apart from other programmes.

Having those elements makes them feel like they’re playing a bit of a game, but they’re actually learning, which is fantastic for them. It keeps them engaged and wanting to do more. So yeah, that definitely sets it apart.

How is Lexia used in your school? Please provide details of your daily routine and how you ensure that you reach recommended usage as well as which pupils use the program in school.

Stacy: So the timetable is always a priority—it’s all built into the curriculum, but it varies from class to class. We’ve tried a few different ways of implementing it, and we’ve found that the best approach is for each class to schedule it in a way that suits them best.

Some children do it as part of their early morning work, first thing in the morning, because that fits well with their class routine. Others do it as part of our “Drop Everything and Read” time. Then there’s also small intervention work built into the day, so that how it is embedded into the day.

We know that teachers stay on top of targets and individual progress, and one thing we focus on is talking about units rather than minutes. That’s a big one for us—it’s one of our little slogans here. We used to say, “Do 10 or 20 minutes,” but now we say, “Give me three green lines.” That shift has worked really well because it sets a clear expectation, and children know exactly what they’re aiming for.

But overall, when it comes to the timetable, it’s really about what works best for each class and meets the needs of the children.

Describe the impact that Lexia has had on your pupils. Have you noticed a positive change in their motivation to succeed in literacy? 

Stacy: I think it’s definitely engaged their motivation, especially in reading. It’s not just about reading—it’s about writing too. But we’ve noticed improvements across the whole curriculum as well. If they can read and write, they’ve got more access to other subjects.

Kate: And I think with implementing PowerUp with the Year 6s, it’s really focused on those three strands: grammar, comprehension, and word study. As they approach their SATs, it really helps to embed those skills. It’s fun, and it makes such a difference in their learning, especially as they prepare for their SATs in May.

Stacy: That’s why we switched over, actually. We noticed a bit of disengagement with the Year 6s, where the format of the previous programme maybe wasn’t as mature for them. So, last year we decided to switch them over to PowerUp, and the difference has been incredible.

We’ve seen such a change with our Year 6s—they’re so engaged now. They’ll come up to you at break or lunch and say, “Oh, listen to this!” It’s been really effective, and you can see the instant impact on what the children are learning. Plus, like you said, it links directly to the SATs, so the teachers are more engaged too. There’s definitely been more of a buzz back in Year 6, which has been fantastic to see.

Kate: And with the younger ones on Core5, we’ve seen improvements in their phonological awareness. It’s not just in English or reading—it’s also in speech and language interventions, and even their social skills. They’re having more conversations with peers outside in the playground, and its expanding their vocabulary is expanding. The improvements are just phenomenal. It’s really brilliant.

Can you give an example of a Lexia success that sticks out to you?

Stacy: We have some great examples!

Kate: Definitely. So, we’ve had a few success stories, but the one we’re particularly proud of is a pupil who’s currently in Year 6. Last year, she set herself the target to be the first person to complete the entire Lexia Core5 programme. She’s faced some challenges herself, but she set that goal and absolutely smashed it. By the time she was halfway through Year 5, she had completed every single level on Lexia.

She was so proud of herself, and we were ecstatic, so proud of her! We made a big fuss of her in assembly, we made her a bunch of flowers as a keepsake, and celebrated with her certificates.

Stacy: Seeing that change in her was amazing. I’ve worked with her since reception, and we’ve done a lot of speech and language interventions. This was a programme she could really access, which was nice because some other programmes hadn’t worked as well for her. Lexia was engaging and motivational, so she felt at ease with it. Once she got into the flow, she was on a roll. We were all buzzing for her—just to see that child so proud of herself was amazing. It’s definitely one of our biggest successes.

Kate: We’ve also had some current Year 4s, who, when they were in Year 3 last year, make incredible progress. They exceeded the Year 3 benchmark and moved into the Year 4 benchmark before the end of Year 3, which was fantastic. This boosted their confidence and self-esteem. Once they got to the end Year 4 levels, their teachers decided they no longer needed the programme, which opened up licences for other children coming through.

It’s made such a difference for everyone. The children who were able to finish the programme moved into their regular learning with confidence, and we could help more children through the programme as well.

Stacy: The data backs it all up, too. We always make sure the data aligns with our planning, and it shows that they’re on track and at the right level, which has been brilliant.

The most rewarding part for us is seeing them take pride in their achievements. It builds a stronger relationship with the children. We get more dialogue from them, and that’s not something we would have had before but now we are the ‘Lexia Team’ in school. It has really helped strengthen those connections, which has been fantastic for us.

How have you used rewards to motivate and celebrate success on the Lexia program?

Stacy: Yeah, we have lots of reward systems in place, depending on the class. For example, we have Kings and Queens of Lexia in different classrooms, which the children love. We also have a Lexia Superstar assembly. In our star assembly, every week, myself and Kate print out and laminate the certificates. The children come up to the front of the class along with other children who receive different certificates. We make a big fuss of them in assembly, and we do that every week. So, every week, we’re giving out certificates to the children, which is fantastic.

We also celebrate with house points as part of the reward system. The reward system can vary depending on the class and what the teacher thinks will motivate the class the most, which is nice.

As well as big achievements, we really make sure to focus on promoting all the smaller wins as well. It’s great that the children set themselves big goals and targets, but we also see from monitoring that some children might be struggling a bit with a particular unit. It might take them a while, but we know not to step in too quickly. We’ve learned to hold back a bit and give them that independence. We don’t intervene too soon; we let them try on their own.

That said, we can still see through the data on myLexia when they’ve had a small win. For them, even a small win is a big deal, so we’re really keen on celebrating those moments with them. If they’ve completed a unit, even if it took a little longer than expected, we make sure to celebrate their achievement. It’s really key to celebrate those small wins.

How useful have you found the myLexia reports in terms of demonstrating progression and informing planning?

Stacy: It provides lots of support in terms of next steps for planning, and it also supports the SEN cohort with their one plans and things like that, which is great. The data supports teachers with parents’ evenings, so they can monitor progress. We offer that as an extra piece of evidence alongside their school data. We can back up where they’re at in school with evidence from Lexia, which is brilliant for tracking progress as well.

Our SENCO will often go onto Lexia to track progress and monitor, just to make sure it backs up her data. The graphs and things are so informative. They’re so visual and easy to access, which we love.

Kate: She also finds them to be really valuable tools. It also supports any of the children’s transitions, because the data is easy to read and gives such a good overview of each child.

Stacy: It makes our life so much easier, which we’re really grateful for, because you can pinpoint down to the tiniest detail exactly what each individual child needs, which is great. It saves us a lot of work.

Kate: We also use the data for interventions. When I do precision monitoring, I’ll go onto Lexia, look at what words the children are reading, and where they might be coming up against challenges as they move further on in their levels. We’re constantly showing them as much as we can and integrating it across different areas, especially in our interventions.

Stacy: You can see that all on Lexia. For example, we’ll see if we need to focus on a particular word or skill. We put in skill builders after every level. Once they get a certificate, we’ll insert a skill builder mid-level if we need to consolidate any areas. They’re fantastic! We love skill builders and deliver them to everyone. We also send them home with a cover letter so parents are aware that their child has passed the certificate and done a fantastic job. The skill builder reinforces what they’ve just learned, and they bring that back as homework, which is another great way to keep them engaged.

Kate: It’s also nice how Lexia lessons are labelled as low, medium, or high priority, which helps us know when to step in. It makes it easier for us to determine whether we need to intervene or if we can give the child more time and independence. But we’re still there if they need us.

Stacy: That’s the beauty of it all. It’s all right there for us to see straight away.

What main piece of advice would you give to a school that was just getting started with Lexia?

Stacy: My first piece of advice would be to start as soon as you can! Think carefully about the children you want to add onto the programme. It’s not always your low-attaining children. We’ve found that other children can access it too, and it can push them to greater depth. So really think about the children you’re going to select for it.

Have some great designated leads that monitor, track, and deliver Lexia interventions. I think we know the Lexia programme inside-out now. We’re comfortable enough to say that we know it, and we share the information. So I think that’s key—having a couple of people that can support, use the resources, and share knowledge. The Resources Hub page is fantastic across the board for teachers and LSAs, not just for Lexia interventions but for any sort of interventions. That resource point is really valuable.

The training provided is brilliant. Honestly, I’ve learnt so much from the training we’ve had from LexiaUK. We’ve had a couple of years in a row now, and then we share that with staff. So I think it’s key to make use of it! Make use of the emails and newsletters We’re always all over them—having a look, and sharing information and top tips. There’s so much support, so make use of all of it.

Kate: Also, when we’ve found things through the training or the emails, we’ve put together tip sheets for the LSAs. For example, if there’s a specific unit, like the doubling rule, the tip sheet will explain how it’s being taught to the children. We just use all the information we get to try and spread the word—spread the support and knowledge.

Stacy: But I think, going back to the advice, make use of the data. Make use of everything, because it does save a lot of work, and it’s all there for you. Make use of the graphs, keep checking, keep monitoring. I think Lexia offers so much support—it’s brilliant.

What feedback have you had from your Lexia pupils?

Kate: They all love it. The buzz that Lexia has created around the whole school is just infectious. Even the children who aren’t on Lexia are so proud of their classmates and just so happy for them. There’s always this really lovely buzz of, “Oh, you’ve done so well this week, you got a certificate!” and it’s just been great.

But then, speaking to the children who are actually doing it, they love it. One of my little boys in my class loves that he has to do Stage One, Stage Two, and then a skill check. He likes that he has to repeat what he’s doing before he gets to the end of his level, and then he loves getting a certificate at the end of it. For him, that recognition really means something—it’s his reward for his hard work, and he loves that side of it.

Stacy: For some children, they need that structure. I think it works really well for them because they know what to expect, they know how the system works, and they feel more relaxed with it, which is really nice. That’s what stands out for him.

Kate: And they like that they can go in and out of different strands and activities. They don’t have to just stick with one and complete it before moving on. Some children do prefer to go one at a time, but others like having that flexibility to come back to something later.

Stacy: It takes the pressure off, doesn’t it? If they find something tricky, they can step away and return to it later. They also love the visual side of it, the gameplay feel of it. The visuals are brilliant. They’re always telling us about places they’ve been in the programme, what they’ve learned, what they’ve seen—which is great!

The Year 6s love the songs on PowerUp too. The other day, they were all singing the noun song together in class. That’s the kind of buzz we want! It creates motivation—they actually want to go on the next day and continue, which is really good. We’ve had lots of positive feedback from our students.

Kate: They know their work is really valued—not just by everyone at school, but by us as Lexia leads. They know we really value the hard work they’re putting in, and we see it. We see both the effort and the progress. They’ll say, “Oh, I know, I’m going to do five more units next week,” and we’ll say, “Brilliant! I’ll check in with you.” There’s just this buzz about it—they know we’re monitoring them, but it’s all positive.

Is there anything else you would like to add regarding why you think Lexia has been a success in your school?

Kate: When we were first introduced to Lexia and started using it, we spent time really getting to know the programme—so we knew exactly what we were delivering, what we were going to be saying to the children, and how we would introduce it to them. We just made sure we understood it fully.

Stacy: Having Educator Mode was helpful. We spent a lot of time on that, so we could actually access it through their eyes, which has been really helpful. I think we’re just so proud of how far we’ve come. Because you can see the progress visually, and then you’ve got all the success stories as well.

Kate: All the children who have been part of Lexia—we’re just so proud of them because they’ve come such a long way. And that’s credit to Lexia too—it’s amazing. It’s brilliant to see. It’s just lovely to see their progress, lovely to see their confidence grow. We just absolutely love it and we love the buzz that it creates in our school. We really do.

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