St John’s Primary School, Newcastle
I firmly believe that the program helped and supported Year 6 to get the great results which they achieved in all areas of the English related SATs.
The class I taught last year, in Year 6, had been my class for 2 years and had begun to access Lexia when they were in Year 5. I firmly believe that the program helped and supported them to get the great results which they achieved in all areas of the English related SATs: 76% achieved the EXS in Reading, 83% achieved the EXS in Writing and 79% achieved EXS in the GPS paper. All of these exceeded the national average. I felt that, due to running Lexia, I rarely had to teach a discrete grammar, punctuation or spelling lesson and tended to do this within writing sessions consolidating work and learning carried out through the children’s Lexia program.
We have definitely seen a positive impact, last year’s SAT results in GPAS were some of the highest we have had and Lexia played a huge role in this. It supports the teaching of spelling, punctuation and grammar in lessons really well. Children are well aware of their levels and what they need to do to progress, they become quite competitive! Guy Rundle, Assistant Head Teacher