St. Osmund’s Middle School, Dorset
In a class of 32 children it's like having 32 teachers who are fully engaged and personalising the learning for all the children.
Implementation and Monitoring Process:
1. A flyer for Lexia was sent to our school and we liked the look of it. I have delivered English interventions for a number of years and always on the lookout for something different for children to use particularly with our Pupil Premium children.
2. Lexia is an extremely thorough and in- depth programme using all the learning tools that are needed to ensure the children have covered online learning and applying the skills to classroom based activities.
3. We tested all the year 5 children and selected any that were year 4 and under, year 6 children that we were concerned about not making ARE this year and the year 7 children who are not at ARE from the SATs tests last year.
Children were withdrawn one hour per week from a non-core subject for the online session. The timetable changes each term so they do not miss the same lesson. They are then taken from a different non-core subject for any Lexia Lessons needed.
The children are expected to complete a twenty minute reading homework per week and all Lexia children are encouraged to use Lexia for this.
We have a notice board where we can share success and encourage a competitive element to the process. We also display some of the Anchor Charts to support the learning of all our children.
My colleague and I make ourselves available for parent consolation evenings where parents can discuss Lexia and the progress made.
We are in the process of introducing it to our feeder schools as an outstanding intervention package. We have used Lexia to narrow the gap with our Pupil Premium children.
4. Many of the children have engaged fully with the programme and are very keen to succeed. Feedback from English teaching staff has been positive saying that some children are transferring the skills learnt into their lesson whilst others have gained confidence in reading. They are enjoying completing a unit and receiving their Skills builder pack and certificate.
5. We have rewarded children with certificates for completion of units or end of year 5 or 6 level. Children who have reached the final unit have been put forward for hot chocolate with the Headteacher. They have been awarded their certificate by the head in order to raise the profile of Lexia within school.
6. I give reports to the relevant English teaches, to parents, governors, heads of departments and PP lead. We are currently working on how reports are used by teaching staff to aid planning etc. Reports were used at a recently held parents evening where we were able to give more detailed feedback on levels and progress for the children.
7. Introducing and implementing Lexia into our school community has been a challenge albeit an exciting one. We have made a huge amount of progress in terms of pupil’s usage and progress, parent and staff engagement and organisation. In a class of 32 children it’s like having 32 teachers who are fully engaged and personalising the learning for all the children.