Who are the webinars suitable for?
Our Initial Training webinars are designed to support school staff in getting an overview of the Lexia program and how to implement and deliver it successfully. This can be used to support staff that are new to the program or as a refresher for those that have used Lexia before. If you are a school leader that would like some more bespoke support with your school’s Lexia Implementation Plan, consider booking and Implementation and Training review instead for a tailored training session for your team.
Will I need a microphone or camera for the webinar?
Registrants will not need access to a camera or microphone for a webinar and these will be disabled on entering the webinar. You will only need access to headphones or speakers so that you can hear the presenter.
Will I have an opportunity to ask questions during the webinar?
The webinar’s chat function will allow you to submit any questions in writing. These will be addressed at the end of the webinar. If we are not able to get to your question during the webinar itself, we will address it in a follow up email after the webinar is complete.